Things Everyone Should Know About Employment Law

Understanding employment law is essential for employees and employers in Australia. Although comprehensive, a general knowledge of the most important aspects can provide you with a solid foundation and help protect your rights. Here’s an overview of some key principles every worker and employer in Australia should be familiar with.

1. The Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth)

The Fair Work Act 2009 forms the basis for employment law in Australia. It governs employees’ and employers’ rights and obligations, including employment conditions, safety, termination, and dispute resolution. The act applies to most workplaces in Australia and establishes the National Employment Standards (NES).

2. National Employment Standards (NES)

The NES sets the minimum conditions for employees covered by the national workplace relations system. It includes ten minimum entitlements:

  • Maximum weekly hours
  • Requests for flexible working 
  • Parental leave and related entitlements
  • Annual leave
  • Community service leave
  • Long service leave
  • Public holidays
  • Notice of termination and redundancy pay
  • Fair Work Information Statement

3. Modern Awards

The Modern Awards system covers most employees in Australia and sets out specific minimum employment conditions for different industries and occupations. Employers must ensure they adhere to the relevant award for their employees, as it includes information on wages, leave provisions, and other essential aspects of the employment relationship.

4. Anti-Discrimination Laws

Australian employees are protected from discrimination based on factors such as race, religion, gender, age, disability, and sexual orientation. Discrimination protection extends from hiring to promotions, training, and termination. The federal and state laws that protect employees against discrimination include the Racial Discrimination Act 1975, the Sex Discrimination Act 1984, and the Disability Discrimination Act 1992.

5. Workplace Health and Safety

Work Health and Safety (WHS) laws protect workers’ health and safety in Australia. It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure they provide a safe working environment and adhere to safety regulations. Employees also have an obligation to cooperate with health and safety measures implemented by their employers.

6. Unfair Dismissal

Unfair dismissal laws prevent employees from being terminated without a valid reason. Employees may also be protected against other forms of workplace-related injustice, such as redundancy without proper consultation, adverse action, or general protections claims.

7. Fair Work Commission

The Fair Work Commission is Australia’s national workplace relations tribunal, responsible for dispute resolution, setting the minimum wage, and reviewing modern awards. Employees and employers can seek assistance and guidance from the commission, which ensures compliance with Australian employment law.

8. Independent Contractors

While independent contractors are not employees, they are still protected by certain rules under Australian law. Both the Fair Work Act and the Independent Contractors Act 2006 specifically deal with aspects of contractor rights. It is important to distinguish between independent contractors and employees, as different rights and obligations apply. Determining the distinction can sometimes be complex and professional advice can provide clarity.

9. Industrial Activities

Trade unions and industrial actions are integral parts of the employment landscape and are regulated under the Fair Work Act in Australia. This includes rules around strikes, lockouts, and other industrial actions. The right to participate in industrial action is protected but should be exercised following the strict rules outlined in the legislation. In order to stay on top of all these laws, it is very important to have a lawyer, like Chedid Storey Legal, that you can always rely on.

10. Enterprise Agreements

Enterprise agreements are agreements made at the enterprise level that contain terms and conditions of employment. They are made between employers and employees and often involve a bargaining process. Upon approval by the Fair Work Commission, these agreements override industry modern awards and can provide for conditions that better suit the needs of a particular business or industry.

11. Bullying and Harassment

Workplace bullying and harassment are subject to legislation under the Fair Work Act and can lead to serious penalties. Employers are obligated to provide a safe environment for employees, free from intimidation, aggression, or harassment. Employees have a right to report any such behavior without fear of threats or retaliation.

12. Privacy Rights

Although an employer has certain rights to monitor workplaces, employees also have certain privacy rights. These can relate to surveillance and monitoring, personal searches, and the handling of personal information. The Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) regulates how personal information is handled, ensuring a balance between the need for employers to run their businesses effectively and the employees’ right to privacy.

The principles outlined above are foundational. However, laws can change, and specific situations may require professional legal counsel. Understanding the basics creates a foundation that encourages compliant, respectful, and harmonious workplace relationships.

While this overview provides a foundation for understanding employment law in Australia, specific situations may require professional legal advice. However, by having familiarity with the key principles, you can better navigate the workplace and stay aware of your rights and obligations.

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